Friday, 20 February 2015

self harm😔

hi guys,
As you can tell by the title this topic is going to a very serious and personal topic to talk about. This blog is to make people aware that there is a lot of people who feel the need to self harm and how you can help them or just some advice.

Self harm is were you deliberately harm yourslef for a multiply of reasons such as depression, sudden sadness or you do it and you don't really think about it much.
In the past yes I have self harmed and I'm telling you first hand, I'm going to regret it for a long time. I also know a lot of people who have/do self harm, some more often the others and some worse than others, but at the end of the day it's all the same. 
At first, like maybe of you may not understand the concept of self harm. I didn't understand why you would harm yourself to take the pain away, if harming yourself would hurt you more. But it comes down to what your hurt and your head is telling you, and sometimes you feel so numb that you don't feel anything anymore. It will feel like the only option to turn to, but really there are so many alternatives. 
If you've never self harmed, please don't start it's not worth it, and if you have then you're better than all the things bringing you down and you're all beautiful, you don't need to harm yourslef of put scares all over you're beautiful bodies, you may think it's the right thing now but trust me when I say someone can help you, don't keep it all to yourself, people do care even if you feel like they don't. I promise they do. 

here is a website with a lot of alternatives to self harm -

I just want to remind you of one thing, you don't know anyone's true story, you don't know what's going on in there lives, you don't know if they do home and cry because they want to change themselves, you don't know if they've ever self harmed. So next time you think about judging or being mean to people remember that they might just be something deeper you might not know about and that this may be they're last straw before the do something they will regret and will hurt everyone as well as themselves.

I hope this has help you to understand self harm and I just want to let you know f you have anymore questions or ever need anyone to talk to I'm here. 
justanothergirl13 xx

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

anxiety&panic attacks advice💕

hey guys,
today I'm going to be talking about anxiety and how to deal with it. I do have anxiety and also get panic attacks and when they happen it's not the easiest situation but here some advice to help. I'm lucky as I don't suffer magorily and some people are worst off then I am.
1. If you ever feel like you're getting anxeitos or panicky take yourself out of the situation. Say your in class, ask your teacher to step outside to take a breather. Don't pressure yourself into those situations and try to do whatever you can to calm yourself down.
2. If you're somewhere you can't step outside such as on a plane or in a car, close your eyes and breathe in and out, this may seem abit silly but it really does help. 
3. If your worrying about a test or exam you have to do, always tell yourself that if you do your best then that's all you can do, just try really hard and make sure you revise. That's abit hypocritical coming from me but you should always revise.
4. Make sure you surround yourself with people with postive people and people you trust and can help you. When people just stand around not knowing what to do that can panick you more.
5. If it starts to get worse, speak to someone you trust about it and tell them how you feel, talking to people can be hard but it will help you in the long run.
6. Make sure if you feel like your going to have a panic attack you do whatever your doctor has told you to do. I know I have these little things that can help prevent them. 
7. Remember to not let one panic attack or anxiety ruin your day, just try to forget about it and have fun.
I hope this help someone, even just one person. I hope you all have an amazing day.
love, justanothergirl13 xx

Sunday, 15 February 2015


hey guys,
I'm sorry I didn't write a new blog yesterday I just wasn't really feeling up to it, but I'm back today.
So someone had asked me to blog  about relationships so I'm going to give it a try. Before I start, yes I am in a relationship but I know what it feels like to feel/ be alone but being single isn't always a bad thing.
Okay so, all relationships have their ups and downs and you just have to remember that just because you're having a bad day doesn't mean your having a bad relationship. In life your'e going have your heart  broken, more than once by more than one person and they person you knew and loved changes. Everyone changes overtime and no one is the same person forever. But wouldn't it be amazing to grow up and say you married your high school sweetheart, the thought of it melts my heart. I'm very lucky as I have the most amazing person as a boyfriend and not only that he is also like my best friend all at once. I know I can count on him through everything even when times gets rough. If your reading this hi and i love you. Unlike me some people aren't so lucky when it comes to love. You have to remember that true love will find you and you shouldn't chase it. Everyone crosses your path for a reason and you have to think about if they are really worth you time. Time is very precious and you shouldn't waste your time on people who don't matter and the people that do will come out in time and show you why you don't need the ones that don't. Relationships are hard to maintain these days as society is always judging people and them. Love shouldn't be turned down just because someone is too tall or not pretty or anything because when you really love someone nothing matters apart from the person they are on the inside. You may judge someone and then soon realize they are what you need to complete your world, so don't throw people away and judge them when you don't know they're full story. Anything can happen and if you really want something you will fight got it. Trust me, you will fight pretty dam hard. But when finding someone else remember not to lose yourself. Sometimes relationships don't last but you shouldn't turn love down after one relationships goes wrong, because that's how you learn. You become a stronger person and in someways heart break can help you realize things. Heartbreak taught me that no one can love me if I dont start loving myself because at the end of the day you realize yes they loved you you just didn't love yourself.
hope you all have an amazing half term for those of you in the uk,
love, justanothergirl3 xx

Friday, 13 February 2015

sudden sadness😔

hey guys,
today's blog is about sudden sadness because today I had a moment where I just cried, nothing was wrong that I could express but I just felt sad and I didn't know why. it was really weird and even though i had amazing friends with me this sudden sadness just came over me. like a cloud on a sunny day, it didn't last that long but I just didn't expect it at all. When I'm sad I'll blast the arctic monkeys so loud on my phone and I'll try and forget the world. Today's may have been the first time of this "sudden sadness" but it made me realise something, maybe people go through this sadness everyday and if i did I wouldn't know how to handle it. if you ever experienced this "sudden sadness" comment how it felt and what happen to you. I really hope this sadness doesn't ever happen again because it felt like I was drowning and no one was there to save me. never again do I want to feel that. 
i hope you guys had an amazing day, I'm at a party rn so I'm going to leave you with this though, what is your idea of sudden sadness?
love justanothergirl13 xx

Thursday, 12 February 2015

putting yourself first💜

hi guys,
so today this blog is going to be abit more positive then the last ones🙌 someone told me today that putting myself first isn't selfish and I agree. sometimes you have to think about what you want and not about what others are going to think. Putting yourself first isn't a crime, sometimes we have to think about  ourselves and see if it's what we really want, and if it's not we can change it. We get taught that we should always think about others and put them before ourselves but I guess that only counts in certain situations because if you really believe in something you're not going to stop it just because someone told you so. In this world,everywhere there is sadness and self hate but if we start putting ourself first and believing in oursleves things will be much better for everyone. So next time someone says your being selfish for putting yourself first remember that maybe you need to put yourself first and not last all the time and let people mess with your emotions. People will pick fights for silly reasons and you have to learn to always stay true to yourself and be the person you want to be and not someone everyone else wants you to be. The main message to this is putting yourself first is not a crime and you have to make sure your happy with what you do, your not just trying to impress people. you can't please everyone and I learnt that the hard way. but I'm here to make sure no one goes through that.
hope you all are enjoying my blog and had an amazing day,
love justanothergirl13 xx

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

making decisions👐

hi guys,
so today I experienced something that I'd never really thought about before. I was thinking about my friendships and how I've mad decisions to make them better or worse. Today I realised that maybe things weren't always suppost to be the way I thought because it's for the better. 
Everyone and everything changes with time and maybe this ones is for the best. You may wonder how this ties into decision making but it does because in life we make decisions everyday for a lot of reasons. Sometimes we make the right ones but often they are wrong; but they make us who we are today. but you've got to remember to stay strong even if it's killing you, even if it takes faking a smile because it in end it will be okay and if it's not okay it's no the end. I know that my problem will end because were stronger and better than what's come between us and it's not a person it's feelings. I'm not giving up on her that easily and I'm gonna work for it because it's worth it. In life we make decisions and here is one of mine and it's probably one of the best ones I've made in a long time.

if anyone has any advice for me or others reading this leave it in the comment, I hope you all had a great day,
love justanothergirl13 xx

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Losing friends👐

hi again guys,
so I haven't sorted the timetable for my blogs yet but this one was important so I need to blog about it. I know in life we all lose friends and make great ones. and it's completely normal to change friendship groups and find the people you fit in with. but it seems like it's never ending. I'm in a sticky situation right now between two of my closest friends, and im kinda stuck in the middle. they're this one girl who is has always been there for me and then there another one who I haven't know as long but is still there. and at the end of the day i don't want to have to choose between hurts me because I feel like I've let them down, im clingy, a lot to handle and a pain but it's only because I care. I know it will pass but it feels like forever. I'm not going to mention names as this is an anonymous blog and they also don't read my blog so it's fine. it feels like this is wrong but I live by the motto everything happens for a reasons so maybe it is. but I can't lose them as they're are my two clostest girls. I feel like I'm losing them but finding myself all at the same time. it's not a nice feeling at all but I was just wondering if anyone might be going through the sort of same things? if you have you can comment how you handled things and how things turned out for you. I just can't help but worry🙌
love, justanothergirl13 xx

new to the blogging world✨

hi guys,
I'm new to this whole blogging thing so here are sometimes I will be blogging about; friendship,dramas,breakups,weird things that happen or just ordinary things that happen to teenagers these days. This is somewhere were I can be myself and no one will know who I am, if that makes sense. I'm quiet a positive person but when I want to express something that's happen to me I will usually write about it as it's the best way to get it all out. If there's anything you need advice about you can let me know and I can see if I've had any experiences with it and I'll try and blog about it. I'm the kind of person who always tries to see the good in things and wants the best for others. I think it's really important for everyone to be expected and be equal for others and not looked down on because they're different. everyone's different and being different is a good things because who wants everyone to be the same. I'm here to help anyone who wants or needs it, so just let me know. I'll try and make a timetable for my blogs but if I feel the need there might be an extra one here and there. I this blog will stay anonymous and I don't want people to judge me if they don't know my properly.
anyways I hope you enjoy my blog and all have an amazing day today!
love, justanothergirl13💜 xxx