so today this blog is going to be abit more positive then the last ones🙌 someone told me today that putting myself first isn't selfish and I agree. sometimes you have to think about what you want and not about what others are going to think. Putting yourself first isn't a crime, sometimes we have to think about ourselves and see if it's what we really want, and if it's not we can change it. We get taught that we should always think about others and put them before ourselves but I guess that only counts in certain situations because if you really believe in something you're not going to stop it just because someone told you so. In this world,everywhere there is sadness and self hate but if we start putting ourself first and believing in oursleves things will be much better for everyone. So next time someone says your being selfish for putting yourself first remember that maybe you need to put yourself first and not last all the time and let people mess with your emotions. People will pick fights for silly reasons and you have to learn to always stay true to yourself and be the person you want to be and not someone everyone else wants you to be. The main message to this is putting yourself first is not a crime and you have to make sure your happy with what you do, your not just trying to impress people. you can't please everyone and I learnt that the hard way. but I'm here to make sure no one goes through that.
hope you all are enjoying my blog and had an amazing day,
love justanothergirl13 xx